Insight of the Week

Remove Humans From Product Images When Possible

A new study found that humans in product images reduce conversions because it triggers a lack of ownership. It's their product, not my product.

Nick Kolenda
Last updated September 29, 2023
Removing a person from the product image for a blender


Should you display people in product images?

If customers need a human to assess quality (e.g., apparel, beauty, jewelry), then yes — include people in your images (see Hassanein & Head, 2005).

Otherwise, show products by themselves.

Across 10k+ Instagram photos, travel destinations received fewer likes if they showed somebody in the photo (Lu, Jung, & Peck, 2023). This effect reduced sales, too.


  • Lack of Ownership. It's their product. Not my product.
  • Contagion. Products seem inferior when other people touch them (Argo, Dahl, & Morales, 2006).
  • Less Unique. Customers feel less special buying this product.

Other takeaways:

  • Reduce Their Essence. If you can't remove somebody, try cropping their head.
  • Remove Symbolic Customers. To clarify, you can (and should) show images of service providers who don't represent the customer.
  • Important With Used Products. Used products seem inferior when customers see traces left behind by the previous owner (Kim, 2017).

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