Require Favorable Traits to Qualify for Compliance
Researchers found a new persuasion tactic called egotistic traps. People are more likely to comply if their behavior validates a positive trait.
Researchers found a new persuasion tactic: egotistic traps.
College students asked ~1,000 people at a train station for help:
I'm a student, and I need to conduct a study to get credit for one of my courses. Could you please help me? I need this questionnaire filled out: it contains 142 questions.
Roughly 30% agreed.
But a new approach — one more sentence — increased compliance to 50 percent.
Here's the sentence:
...I need this questionnaire filled out: it contains 142 questions. We need to elicit answers from intelligent persons, and you appear to be one of them.
This framing created an ego trap: Compliance validated their intelligence, while a refusal diminished it (Dolinski, Grzyb, & Kulesza, 2023).
In a follow-up study, customers were more likely to schedule car maintenance when they learned that "sensible" car owners made these appointments.
Want people to comply with your request? Try enforcing a desirable qualification.
Though you probably deduced that conclusion yourself, considering that only super smart people subscribe to this newsletter.
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